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CISR84030 - Compliance: subcontractor inactivity

| CISR84600 | Action Guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

This is a new function available from 6 April 2009 which allows you to record a period when a subcontractor tells you that they will be no longer working within the Construction Industry, you will also be able to record when the subcontractor tells you that they have become active again in CIS.

Entries made using this function can be viewed by staff using the function ‘View Customer’ on a new tab entitled ‘Subcontractor Inactivity’ at the top of the ‘View CIS Customer’ window (See CISR90250). Entries will be made using the function ‘Maintain Subcontractor Inactivity’, and will build up a history of Subcontractor inactivity that will be available within the ‘Subcontractor Inactivity’ tab in the ‘View CIS Customer’ window.

Where subcontractor inactivity has been set on the record for a given period, all other types of CISR processing will be completely unaffected by the setting of any ‘Inactive’ period, for example where the subcontractor also acts as a contractor within CIS.

The Data Warehouse will be able to identify subcontractors who have been paid by and included on a contractor return, where there is a period of Subcontractor Inactivity which has been set and which covers the whole of the month covered by the contractor return including the payment.

For details of how to use this function please see the Action Guide at CISR84650.