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CISR90020 - View Customer and Record Contact: gaining access to View Customer

Identify Customer window

  • Open the CIS system to obtain the Identify Customer window.
  • Enter the Customer reference, UTR or NINO, AO ref., or Employer reference in the relevant field.
  • Select a ‘contact type’ from the available selection in the drop down menu.
  • Select a ‘channel type’ from the available selection in the drop down menu.
  • Select the [OK] button. This will open the Authenticate Customer window.

The Authenticate Customer window is divided into three panels: mandatory, secure and additional. You must enter two entries in the mandatory section, plus three more entries with at least one being in the secure panel. If however you have selected Agent or Capacitor as the ‘contact type’ a further panel - Agent Details will be displayed. A further two out of three questions must then be satisfied on the same window before you can continue.

You should then proceed to authenticate the customer recording the answers given as either a pass or fail using the radio buttons on the window, finally selecting the [OK] button. This will then open the CIS Main Menu window.

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Bypassing authentication

Authentication is necessary when speaking to a customer in face to face contact, or during a telephone call to ensure that the person you are speaking to is the customer concerned or is someone authorised to act on their behalf. It should also be a normal part of dealing with customer correspondence when a change is to be made to their CIS record. However there may be circumstances when full authentication may not be appropriate. For further information on ‘Bypassing Authentication’, see CISR22020.

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Channel type: Outbound telephone or paper

If you selected outbound telephone or paper from the ‘channel type’ you now have the option to bypass authentication.

To do this you must

  • First be satisfied that the person you are speaking to is the customer, or authorised to act for them, or in the case of correspondence, you are satisfied as to its origins.
  • Select the [Waive] button. This will open the CIS Main Menu.

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Channel type: Internal enquiry

If you selected internal enquiry from the ‘contact type’ there should be no customer contact and you will not be required to authenticate the customer.

  • You will note that the ‘channel type’ contains the entry N/A.
  • You should then select the [OK] tab at the bottom of the window. This will automatically take you to the CIS Main Menu window.

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CIS Main menu

Once you have opened the CIS Main Menu window you must make a selection from either one of the two panels headed ‘Contractor Schemes’ or ‘Subcontractor Registrations’ before being able to make the selection [View Customer] from the Menu.

Note: If you enter the Employer reference or AO reference for a scheme you wish to view (within the Identify Customer window), you will also bypass having to make a selection within the Contractor Schemes Panel. This is because you have already identified the scheme details you wish to view by entering the appropriate Employer reference or AO reference for that scheme. You will be directed straight to the CIS Main Menu and will now be able to select View Customer for the contractor.

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Contractor Schemes panel

This panel will reveal any known current or historical contractor schemes associated with the customer you have selected or authenticated. Where there is more than one contractor scheme shown within this panel you will need to select the contractor scheme you require. Each contractor scheme will carry a status which will be one of the following;

  • Active
  • Inactive
  • Ceased
  • No Longer CIS

If there are more schemes to view than can be listed on this page you should select [next] to view the remainder. Selecting [previous] will return you to the CIS Main Menu window.

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Subcontractors Registrations panel

Where the subcontractor trades as a sole trader or company, but the sole trader or company is also a partner in a partnership, separate entries in this panel will show the two distinct trades. Each trade displayed will also carry a ‘status’ which will either be ‘Registered’ or ‘Not Registered’ to indicate whether or not the customer has registered for CIS and therefore is trading within the construction industry.

Selecting the particular trade you wish within this panel will display details of that current CIS registration as a subcontractor whether as a sole trader, partner, limited company, trust or unincorporated body.

Note; where the trade is shown as ‘Not Registered’ there will be no further details to view.