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CISR90230 - View Customer and Record Contact: Subcontractor Partner Details


Having followed the steps listed at CISR90020 to gain access to view a subcontractor record, and then selected View Customer from the CIS Main Menu, the next window visible will be ‘Registration Details’.

You can only access the ‘Partner Details’ of a subcontractor through the Designatory Details window. So first select the Designatory Details button for the subcontractor which is in the bottom corner of the Registration Details window. Having done this you can then select the [Partner Details] tab at the top of the window to open this window.

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Partner Details window

If the subcontractor you are viewing is also in a partnership the final tab along the top of this window will be ‘Partner details’.

Here you will be able to view details of any other partners and whether the registered partner signal is set on their record.

There are two panels in this window. By selecting any of the line entries listing the partners in the ‘Select Partner’ panel the top panel will become populated with details relating to that particular partner.