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CISR92080 - Procedures in NIC&EO PAYE Employer Office, Longbenton: unmatched contractor return

A contractor return cannot be matched to a scheme or month (Unmatched contractor return)
Unable to match an AO Reference with a return
Unable to match successfully or contact the contractor
Try to match a return with subcontractor details
Successful contact
Unsuccessful contact
Contacting a subcontractor on the return
Subcontractor information is confirmed by the contractor
Subcontractor unable to provide information letter CIS323F
Response to letter CIS323F

A contractor return cannot be matched to a scheme or month (Unmatched contractor return) {#}

Work item description

Work items will be created automatically in PEGA when a contractor’s monthly return is processed at Netherton but this cannot be matched to an existing contractor’s scheme or return month. This may be due to one of the following reasons

  • it is unable to match the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
  • an invalid month is shown on the return (the CIS system will not accept any return for a period earlier than 5 May 2007).
  • no match on Accounts Office (AO) Reference
  • AO Reference and UTR do not correspond.

Where no period is shown on the return and all other returns have been processed for previous months, the CIS System will automatically allocate the return to the current month.

HMRC Operational Support Team Netherton

A small HMRC team at Netherton will try and trace AO References that are not shown on the return, but if they are unable to trace an AO Reference they will ensure the return is processed by completing the AO Reference field with ‘No Ref’ and a consecutive number, i.e. ‘No Ref 1’, ‘No Ref 2’, and so on. Netherton will keep a list of numbers used to ensure numbers are not duplicated.

Action to take

You will need to take action to match the return to a scheme and a month. From the ‘Identify Customer’ window on the CIS system

  • select ‘Correct Return error’.

You will now see the ‘Identify Required Return’ window. You should

  • complete the AO Reference and Period Ending boxes with the information from the Work Item on PEGA
  • select ‘OK’.

The ‘Unmatched Return Details’ window will be displayed for you to investigate the exception. It may be possible to make a match without phoning the contractor. On the ‘Unmatched Return Details’ window

  • see the ‘Possible Scheme Matches’ section.

Dependent on the information available, there may be entries in this section that could help you identify the appropriate scheme. If you can match a return with this information, see ‘Successful contact’ below.

Unable to match an AO Reference with a return {#}

The work item details in PEGA will contain all the return details you need to find a return on the CIS System. There may be occasions when you receive a call where the contractor does not have the full information for you to find a contractor return. To find the required return and having authenticated the caller you should

  • select ‘Correct Return error’ function from the CIS Main Menu.

The ‘Identify Required Return’ window will be displayed.

  • Leave both the ‘Accounts Office Reference on the Return’ and ‘Return Received for Period Ending’ blank.
  • Select the ‘Find’ button.

The ‘Locate Unmatched Returns’ window will now be displayed.

  • Complete one of the mandatory details fields below.
  • Contractor UTR
  • Verified subcontractor
  • Subcontractor UTR
  • Date Received (From) and Date Received (To).

When you complete the mandatory fields all the other fields will become optional. The more information you provide will help narrow the search on CIS and improve the quality of information it returns. Once the information has been entered in the field(s)

  • select ‘OK’.

If the details now match a return, the ‘Unmatched Return Details’ window will display a list of possible scheme matches. This will enable you to

  • match the return to the appropriate scheme.

If the details do not match a return the ‘Returns not found for the provided scheme and period’ window will be displayed and you will need to

  • select ‘Find’ to do a further search with different details, or
  • select ’Cancel’ to go back to the CIS Main menu.

Unable to match successfully or contact the contractor {#}

Where it remains unclear if a scheme matches and you are unable to make contact with the contractor, a letter on CIS323F should be issued to either one or more possible matches by

  • placing a tick in the tick box next to the possible scheme match detail
  • selecting the ‘Issue CIS323F’ button.

The CIS System will now issue the letter to the selected scheme.

Once you have clarified the details

  • close the work item in PEGA by selecting ‘Reject’
  • record the information on the PEGA notes field, so those subsequent operators can view all previous actions
  • issue a New CIS001 template to Tees Valley compliance.

Try to match a return with subcontractor details {#}

On the Unmatched Return Details window in the CIS system the ‘Subcontractor Details’ section lists all the subcontractors on the unmatched return.

You may be able to use the information to identify the correct scheme for the unmatched return. To do so

  • place a tick in the box next to a selection of subcontractor details
  • select the ‘Scheme Match’ button.

CIS will complete a search and present a list of contractor schemes that may be linked to the subcontractor(s) selected. This will be displayed in the ‘Unmatched Return Details’ window. The results will show possible scheme matches for which the selection of subcontractors has been linked with. If you can match a return with the information presented take further action as shown below in ‘Successful contact’.

Successful contact {#}

Where a contractor can provide you with the information required you should update the CIS System with the correct information. To do this

  • go to ‘Correct Error on the Return’ window
  • select the tick box next to the correct scheme
  • select ‘OK’.

The ‘Return Details’ window will be displayed allowing you to

  • amend any incorrect details
  • select ‘Continue Amendment’ from the Action drop down list
  • select ‘OK’.

CIS will create a new version of the contractor return and process this return. CIS will also identify cases where there is already an effective return for the month and scheme and if there is, CIS will display a message asking you for confirmation whether the processing should proceed. If you choose to proceed, CIS will treat the corrected return as a ‘Multiple’ return and the ‘Effective’ return will remain in place.

If you choose to cancel the process, you will have to

  • correct the month ending, scheme or UTR
  • end the process
  • make a further call to the contractor to clarify the position and record the information on the PEGA notes field, so those subsequent operators can view all previous actions.

Unsuccessful contact {#}

When a contractor is unavailable or contacted but needs to come back to you with information

  • BF the case in PEGA for the appropriate time to try contact the contractor again.

When it is not possible to contact the contractor you should try phoning again at an alternative time. If you still cannot contact the contractor

  • BF the case in PEGA to try again.

In cases where the contractor still cannot be contacted

  • check the current position on the CIS system.

It is possible that CIS may not have been able to allocate the return originally as several returns were outstanding, but in the intervening period the other returns may have been received or captured leaving only one return outstanding.

In such cases you should

  • update the return details on the CIS system. The CIS system will then create a new version of the contractor return and send it for processing
  • close the work item by choosing ‘Complete’ in PEGA
  • record the information on the PEGA notes field, so those subsequent operators can view all previous actions.

Contacting a subcontractor on the return {#}

Where the above actions do not establish the correct return details you may need to contact one of the subcontractors (if there are any) on the return. When you do this you must carry out ‘Authentication’ on the subcontractor, you should contact the subcontractor to establish which month(s) the subcontractor worked for the contractor and details of the payments made. Where the subcontractor provides the required details you should then confirm the information received by

  • phoning the contractor to validate that the information given is correct.

Subcontractor information is confirmed by the Contractor {#}

  • Update the CIS system with the correct information.

CIS will create a new version of the contractor return and process it.

Subcontractor unable to provide information - letter CIS323F {#}

Where the subcontractor is unable to provide further information, you should

  • issue query letter CIS323F if there is a possible scheme match
  • close the work item by choosing ‘Reject’ in PEGA
  • record the information on the PEGA notes field, so those subsequent operators can view all previous actions
  • issue New CIS001 template to Tees Valley compliance.

Response to letter CIS323F {#}

Where a contractor subsequently provides the requested information you should

  • update the CIS system with the correct information
  • record the information on the PEGA notes field, so subsequent operators can view all previous actions.

CIS will create a new version of the contractor return and process it.