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CISR92110 - Procedures in NIC&EO PAYE Employer Office, Longbenton: unmatched continuation sheets

Action to take
View details on Candidate Returns and Unmatched continuation sheets
What to do if a candidate return details does not list the return required to match
How to match a continuation sheet to a return
Discarded Unmatched continuation sheets

A work item will be created for any contractor return continuation sheets received that cannot be linked to a return. The work item will be a prompt for you to investigate and match the continuation sheet to a return for the scheme and month.

You will only be able to allocate unmatched continuation sheets to effective returns. Only whole continuation sheets can be allocated to a return, that is, you cannot allocate only specific subcontractors or payment details. The information will be accessed in the CIS system using a unique Envelope ID. An Envelope ID is a reference allocated to the contents of an envelope containing the continuation sheet(s) and will be displayed with the work item details in PEGA.

Action to take {#}

You will need to obtain the Envelope ID from the work item in PEGA. From the ‘Identify Customer’ window on the CIS system

  • select ‘Resolve Unmatched’ and the ‘Returns Unmatched Continuation Sheet’ window will be displayed
  • enter the Envelope ID details
  • select ‘Find’.

CIS will retrieve the information contained in the envelope (both the contractor returns and continuation sheets) and display the information. The possible contractor returns that the continuation sheets may link to are known as ‘candidate returns’.

The section on the window ‘Candidate Returns’ will display

  • a numerical item number to identify a return
  • the Accounts Office (AO) Reference
  • scheme name
  • month for which the return has been captured
  • the status to determine whether it is an effective return, multiple return, and so on.

Any unmatched continuation sheets will display

  • the AO Reference
  • scheme name
  • month for which the continuation sheet was received
  • the status, to determine whether the continuation sheet has been
  • ‘Discarded’, where on investigation the continuation sheet contained irrelevant information such as zeroes, or the contractor advised that the continuation sheet was sent in error and should be ignored.
  • ‘Allocated 1, Allocated 2’ and so on, where a continuation sheet has been allocated within a specific session to a return on the ‘Candidate’ list.
  • ‘Unallocated’, where a continuation sheet has not yet been looked at and is a new case.

View details on Candidate Returns and Unmatched continuation sheets {#}

To view the information shown on the candidate returns you need to

  • place a tick in the check box next to the numbered return that you want to view
  • select ‘View Return’ and the ‘Return Details’ window will be displayed for the chosen return
  • select ‘Back’ to return to the previous window
  • select ‘Cancel’ to leave the Resolve Unmatched continuation sheet process.

To view the information shown on the Unmatched continuation sheets

  • tick the check box next to the Unmatched continuation sheet you want to view
  • select ‘View Details’ and this will display the ‘Unmatched Continuation Sheet Details’
  • select ‘Back’ to return to the previous window
  • select ‘Cancel’ to leave the Resolve Unmatched continuation sheet process.

What to do if a candidate return details does not list the return required to match

Where you investigate an exception and establish that an Unmatched continuation sheet should be matched to a return not listed as a candidate return, you should

  • select ‘Find Alternative Return’ and the ‘Find Alternative Return’ window will be displayed
  • enter the AO Reference and return period
  • select ‘OK’.

You will now be returned to the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window which will display the specified return details that have been added to the candidate returns.

If a return cannot be found for the details that you have entered on the ‘Find Alternative Return’ window, a message will be displayed to advise you. You should

  • check the details you have entered, and
  • correct them as appropriate, or
  • select ‘Back’ to return to the previous window.

How to match a continuation sheet to a return

Where you have investigated an exception and can establish which Unmatched continuation sheet should be matched to a return, you should

  • go to the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window
  • select the return you want to link an Unmatched continuation sheet to by placing a tick in the check box next to the numbered return under Candidate Returns
  • select the Unmatched continuation sheet to be linked to the above return by placing a tick in the check box next to the continuation sheet under ‘Unmatched Continuation Sheets’
  • select ‘View Details’ and the ‘Unmatched Continuation Sheet Details’ window will be displayed.

If you are content with the details shown, you should

  • select ‘Allocate’.

The ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window will display under the Unmatched Continuation Sheets heading and the continuation sheet you have just matched will have a new status of ‘Allocated 1’. The numeral 1 denotes that the continuation sheet was matched to the return numbered 1 under the Candidate Returns heading.

You need to repeat the process to allocate all the further Unmatched continuation sheets that you can and then

  • select ‘OK’ to display the ‘Confirm Return Details’ window.

The Unmatched continuation sheet details and original return details will have been added to one revised return.

  • The new return will retain all of the original return details such as the date received and employment status
  • the Unmatched continuation sheet subcontractor details on the revised return will be displayed to you at the top of the Subcontractor Payments list and will be recognised by an ‘A’ next to the added entries.

If you are content with the match you should

  • select ‘Confirm’.

If, however, you were to allocate continuation sheets to more than one return from the Candidate Returns list, the button displayed would be ‘Next’, and then change to ‘Confirm’ when the last return with incorporated continuation sheet details is viewed.

If there are no further allocations to be made, you should

  • select ‘OK’ on the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window.

All the Unmatched continuation sheets with a status of ‘Allocated’ will be removed from the Unmatched continuation sheets list as they are now allocated.

Discarded Unmatched continuation sheets

Where you have determined that a continuation sheet should not be matched to a return it has to be discarded. To do this

  • go to the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window
  • place a tick in the check box next to the continuation sheet to be discarded
  • select ‘View details’ and the ‘Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window will be displayed
  • select ‘Discard’.

The ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window will be displayed and the Unmatched continuation sheet status will now show ‘Discarded’.

  • Select ‘Confirm’ and the CIS Main Menu window will then be displayed.

Where an unmatched continuation sheet cannot be matched, Tees Valley compliance should be advised by

  • completing a new CIS001 template and sending this together to Tees Valley Compliance with a copy of the unmatched continuation sheet.

Discarded Unmatched continuation sheets will always be shown and it is possible to retrieve a discarded item. Where you determine that a discarded item should be retrieved and allocated, go to the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window.

  • Place a tick in the check box next to the continuation sheet to be retrieved
  • select ‘OK’ and the ‘Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window will now be displayed.

Select ‘Undiscard’ and the ‘Returns and Unmatched Continuation Sheets’ window will now be displayed and the Unmatched continuation sheet will show a status of ‘Unallocated’.