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CISR92180 - Procedures in NIC&EO PAYE Employer Office, Longbenton: PEGA - what PEGA does

PEGA is a Work Management Tool. It holds and manages certain work lists for CIS work. There are numerous work lists including

  • bulk verification
  • penalty appeals
  • return exceptions.
  • tax treatment appeals
  • tax treatment qualification test (TTQT) exceptions
  • unmatched partnerships.

The individual pieces of work will be known as work items. Each work item will contain the information you need to action the work item, for example

  • UTR
  • AO Ref
  • scheme name
  • the date the work item was created
  • work item type
  • priority level (showing as either 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 with priority 5 being the highest priority), see CISR92190 for further information.

Work items are held on the PEGA database in a work basket which is simply the name for the storage area that contains the work items. Your work list will contain a list of work items allocated to you according to your user role.

The Work Management (WM) system will

  • display work items for your role
  • display work items in priority order determined by the work level priority
  • link exceptions of the same type for the same contractor, which should be worked together. For example, a contractor may make the same error on two separate monthly returns. Instead of two separate work items being created, PEGA will merge the two errors on to one work item
  • keep a history of all actions for a current work item
  • allow you to search for specific work items
  • enable you to clear work items.

Management responsibilities

The NIC&EO PAYE Employer Office Management will be responsible for

  • informing staff which PEGA role they should have and which role they should use when they log on to PEGA each day
  • ensuring the highest priority cases are cleared for each of the PEGA roles as mentioned below
  • conducting any examination of completed work items that are considered appropriate. (Note to access completed cases on PEGA you will need to have the UTR for the case(s) and use the search function)

Management information

NIC&EO PAYE Employer Office Management can access INFONET to view management information on the number of work items held in PEGA. The information is updated weekly and will consist of

  • work items received
  • work items open
  • work items on work lists
  • work items on BF
  • work items completed
  • work items rejected.