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CISR95070 - Worklists: Late Return Penalty appeal

| CISR95600 | Action guide contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————–|

Whenever a Late Return penalty appeal is logged onto the CIS system, an entry is generated overnight onto the Late Return penalty appeal worklist within PEGA, and an acknowledgement of the appeal issued to the appellant. The only exception is where the appeal is created and determined on the same day. In this instance a worklist entry will not be generated and only the determination letter is issued to the appellant.

There is only ever one Work Item of this type per scheme. For example, if Scheme A sends in several appeals on Monday only one work item request is fired onto the work management system. If the same scheme sends in several more appeals on Tuesday, again only one work management request is fired. This time, provided the first work item is not currently on a user’s work list (that is, the work item is in the work basket) it will be updated with new information from the Tuesday update and the Tuesday work item request will be deleted by the work management system. The result being only one work item per scheme, but it will present the most up to date picture.

To access this worklist you will need to hold the CISR WM Penalty Administrator role. Please see CISR95650 for guidance on the necessary steps to complete these worklist items.