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CISR95630 - Worklists: Action Guides: Unmatched Partnership Details

| CISR95000 | Information contents | |—————————————————————————————————–|———————-|

To carry out this function the Contact Centre operator must have access to

  • the CMS application

and the Processing Office must have

  • been assigned an Unmatched Partnership Exception Handler role, and have
  • access to the PEGA system.
  1. The Contact Centre adviser receives a request to register a partnership for the scheme with gross payment status.
  2. The adviser asks the caller for details of the individual partners. The adviser checks that the information given matches the record of partners held on the SA/COTAX systems.
  3. If the partnership details do not match then the adviser should take contact details and advise the caller that someone will call them back within 5 days to clarify the partnership details. The caller should also be advised that they will be registered with net payment status until the situation is resolved, provided that the partner making the call is already registered on Self Assessment as a partner within that partnership. If the person making the call is not registered on Self Assessment as a partner within the partnership then it will not be possible at that stage to register them for either net or gross payment on CISR.
  4. The caller should be advised by the Contact Centre that, once their records have been updated, an HMRC representative will contact them to assist in the completion of their gross payment application.
  5. The Contact Centre adviser sends a WAM to the Processing Office for the partnership, so that the Processing Office can take immediate action to rectify the situation. The Contact Centre adviser should use the free format note space within CMS to record the contact made.
  6. The Processing Office, using the contact details and information provided in the WAM, should make contact with the partnership representative to clarify the correct individual partner details. Once this has been done the Processing Office should arrange for the SA/COTAX records to be updated. The Processing Office should then advise the partner to phone the Contact Centre again to continue with their application for gross payment.
  7. The Processing Office, having taken the required action in Self-Assessment to ensure that the correct partners are now reflected on the records, should now complete the Work Item that was created using PEGA.

The PEGA system will allow the following action to be taken in respect of a Work Item -

  • BF: If the Work Item cannot be resolved immediately or further contact is needed to assist with the gross payment application, it should be placed on BF.

When the BF date expires, the Work Item will become re-activated and will be allocated to the next Exception Handler to request a Work Item. This means it may not go back to the Exception Handler who previously worked it. When setting the BF it is therefore important that the free format note space is used to record all actions previously taken so that a full history of the Work Item is readily available.

  • Complete: Mark the Work Item ‘Partnership details clarified and updated’.
  • Reject: If the Work item has been allocated to a Workbasket but it is found to have been resolved by some other means, it can be rejected. Use the free format note space to record the reasons for the action taken, reject the item. This will remove it from the Workbasket.