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CFM91340 - Debt cap: introduction to allocating the disallowance and exemption: which group companies should be included

Which group companies should be included on the statement?

Although all relevant group companies should sign an application to appoint an authorised company as the reporting body, this does not mean that all relevant group companies need to be included in the statement of allocation that is submitted by the authorised company.

The statements need only to list the companies to which the allocated disallowance or allocated exemption applies.

For statements of allocated disallowance the statement will also give, for each company included on the statement, the financing expense amount that is to be disallowed. For further information on what is included on a statement of allocated disallowance see CFM91620. For statements of allocated exemption the statement will also give, in relation to each company included on the statement, the financing income amount that is to be exempt. For further information on what is included on a statement of allocated exemption see CFM91650.