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CFM96800 - Interest restriction: joint ventures: interest allowance (non-consolidated investment) election: example 3: JV group

Link to the structure diagram for this example

Here the example at CFM96780 has been extended to a JV with a subsidiary which has operating profit of 50 and third party interest of 20. Applying the election requires that the results of the JV are consolidated and values can be included from qualifying net group-interest expense and group-EBITDA as before.

Consolidating the JV group JV JV Sub JV Group
Operating profit 150 50 200
3rd party interest expense - 60 - 20 - 80
Profit before tax 90 30 120
Accounts X plc JV Group X plc group
Operating profit 100 200 100
3rd party interest expense - 50 - 80 - 50
Share of profits of JV group - - 60
Profit before tax 50 120 110
  • X plc group share of profits from JV - 50%
Calculation of QNGIE X plc Group
QNGIE in X plc 50
Share of JV Group QNGIE 40
Total QNGIE - (A) 90
Calculation of group-EBITDA X plc Group
Group-EBITDA of X plc group 160
Reduction in group-EBITDA - 60
Share of JV group’s group-EBITDA 100
Group-EBITDA - (B) 200
  • Group ratio - (A/B) - 45%
Interest allowance X plc
Tax-EBITDA 100
X plc group ratio 45%
Interest allowance 45
Net tax-interest expense 50
Less interest allowance - 45
Restriction 5

X plc gets a share of the JV group qualifying net group-interest expense of 40. However there is also a net increase of group-EBITDA of 40. In this case X plc can calculate its group ratio of 45% and for this example there is an interest restriction of 5.