CFM98980 - Interest restriction: administration: penalties
CFM98990Administration: penalties: introduction
CFM99000Administration: penalties: penalties for failure to deliver an interest restriction return
CFM99010Administration: penalties: penalty for failure to notify that a return contains estimates after 36 months
CFM99020Administration: penalties: introduction to penalties for incorrect return
CFM99030Administration: penalties: the three levels of inaccuracy and penalty for an incorrect return
CFM99040Administration: penalties: notional tax on the return
CFM99050Administration: penalties: factors which may reduce the level of penalty on an incorrect return
CFM99054Administration: penalties: reductions in penalty levels for special circumstances - general
CFM99057Administration: penalties: special reduction where notional tax exceeds actual loss of tax
CFM99060Administration: penalties: inaccuracy attributable to company other than reporting company
CFM99070Administration: penalties: assessment payment and enforcement of penalty
CFM99080Administration: penalties: appeals against penalties for an incorrect return
CFM99090Administration: penalties: payments between group companies in respect of penalties
CFM99100Administration: penalties: penalties for failure to keep and preserve records
CFM99110Administration: penalties: penalties for failure to comply with information notices