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COM110051 - Pursuit: automatic and clerical pursuit: functions: selection for debt management office pursuit

The table below tells you the function or functions to use in particular situations.

For details of how to access any of the COTAX functions select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.

On accessing the function, system Help is available to you at function, screen, field and error message levels.

Situation Function
To set up, amend or finalise a period of responsibility, claim responsibility of a case APER (Amend Periods of Responsibility)
To view the, the interest calculation, normal due date(Word 49KB) for a non Quarterly Instalment Payment case and Instalment due date (Word 42KB) for a Quarterly Instalment Payment case DINT (Display Interest Computation)
To note the company record with any relevant information NOTE (Case Notes)
To prevent or reinstate the automatic issue of reminders and payment applications RAPP (Revise AP Pursuit)
To change the pursuit status (Word 40KB) at the taxpayer (affecting all APs) level RTPP (Revise Taxpayer Pursuit)
To transfer responsibility of a company’s COTAX record to another office TRCA (Transfer Case)
To view for the AP, a summary of the payment position, and details on individual payments and other accounting postings VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details)
To see details of Company name and address, which HMRC offices deal with the company, which agent is acting, communication address, acting in capacity details, Case Notes and Bank and / or Nominee Details VTPR (View Taxpayer)