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COM110084 - Pursuit: automatic and clerical pursuit: clerical pursuit - payslips (Action Guide)

To prepare and issue a clerical payslip follow steps 1 - 19 below. The guide is presented as follows

Steps 1 – 7 Completion of forms PS1(AZ) / (BZ) by Debt Management Office

Steps 8 – 9 Issue of forms PS1(AZ) / (BZ)

Steps 10 – 17 Preparation of CFORMA

Steps 18 – 19 Issue of form CFORMA

Completion of forms PS1(AZ) / (BZ) by Debt Management Office

1. Select the [Print Payslip] program via the [Start] button and [Programs] from the Windows Task Bar

2. Select ‘Payslip’ from the options displayed

3. Select ‘COTAX’ from the list of displayed

4. Select either Shipley or Cumbernauld

5. Enter the number of payslips required

6. Enter the company name, UTR and amount to be pursued

7. Select the [Print] button to print the payslip

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Issue of forms PS1(AZ) / (BZ)

8. Send the completed form PS1(AZ) / (BZ) to the company in envelope ENV11P(COL)

9. Note the issue on IDMS

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Preparation of CFORMA

10. Select the [Print Payslip] program via the [Start] button and [Programs] from the Windows Task Bar

11. Select ‘Proforma’ from the options displayed

12. Select ‘COTAX’ from the list of displayed

13. Select either Shipley or Cumbernauld

14. Enter the number of payslips required

15. Enter the company name, UTR and amount to be pursued

16. Select the [Print] button to print the payslip

17. If you normally keep a duplicate copy of the payslip in your office

  • Take a copy of the payslip

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Issue of form CFORMA

18. Encircle the payment and CFORMA with an elastic band

19. Send them to Banking Operations