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COM110102 - Pursuit: automatic and clerical pursuit: outstanding amount £20,000 or more (Action Guide)

To pursue collection of an outstanding amount of £20,000 or more, consider steps 1 - 11 below. The guide is presented as follows

Step 1            All cases of £20,000 or more

Step 2            Case on IDMS of more than £20,000 but less than £100,000

Steps 3 – 10  Case of £100,000 or more

Step 11          Serious financial difficulty


All cases of £20,000 or more

1.               If a case arises on IDMS of £20,000 or more, refer the case to your Manager for their personal attention

Case on IDMS of more than £20,000 but less than £100,000

2.               Deal with all post on the day of receipt so far as possible

  •            Ensure effective action is taken as appropriate, by letter, telephone or personal call, see the appropriate REPE process map
  •            Promptly review the case with a view to taking Distraint / County Court Proceedings, see IDMS Helpcard 3

                  And where local enforcement has not been or is unlikely to be successful

  •            Refer the case promptly for recovery by the Enforcement & Insolvency Service

Case of £100,000 or more

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)<h2></h2><h2></h2><h2></h2><h2> Serious financial difficulty</h2><p></p><div class="ogs redaction-term-default" title="Still to define"><p>11.            If there is a case of serious financial difficulty which may attract the attention of the media, the Recover Manager is to</p><ul><li>Contact the Debt Management Group Office immediately with brief details</li></ul></div><p></p><p></p>