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COM110162 - Pursuit: automatic and clerical pursuit: welsh language cases (Action Guide)

To deal with Welsh language cases, consider steps 1 - 7 below. The guide is presented as follows

Step 1 - 3 Request received in the office responsible for the company

Step 4 Request received in Banking Operations

Steps 5 - 7 Request received in the Debt Management Office

Request received in the office responsible for the company

1. If the office responsible for the company receive a request for correspondence to be issued in Welsh

  • Use Function ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) to change the Language signal from ‘E’ to ‘W’

2. Use Function NOTE (Case Notes) to record the Registered Office Address held at Companies House

3. Use Function ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) to change the Registered Office Address to

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Request received in Banking Operations

4. If Banking Operations receive a request for correspondence to be issued in Welsh

  • Use Function RAPP (Revise AP Pursuit) to ensure that payment applications are deferred

  • Use Function NOTE (Case Notes) to note the company record with the reason why the case is being made LA

  • Refer the correspondence to the Debt Management Office

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Request received in the Debt Management Office

5. Where the Debt Management Office receive a request for correspondence to be issued in Welsh

  • Send the office responsible for the company a memo asking them to set the correspondence in Welsh signal to ‘W’

6. Use Function VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details) to check if any AP has a Pursuit Status of LA (Word 28KB) or LA-ENF (Word 27KB)

7. If the Pursuit Status for any AP is LA or LA-ENF

  • Use Function RTPP (Revise Taxpayer Pursuit) to set the Permanent Local Action signal to ‘Y’

  • Make applications for those APs in Welsh