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COM110182 - Pursuit: automatic and clerical pursuit: referring papers to another debt management office (Action Guide)

For cases where clerical pursuit involves referring papers to another Debt Management Office without changing case responsibility, consider steps 1 - 10 below. The guide is presented as follows

Steps 1 - 4 Initial action by the responsible Debt Management Office

Steps 5 - 7 Action by receiving Debt Management Office

Step 8 Papers not returned to the responsible Debt Management Office

Step 9 Correspondence which may affect pursuit

Step 10 Return of form 40

Initial action by the responsible Debt Management Office

1. Consider transferring the work item in IDMS, see IDMS Back to Basics guide. Otherwise make a note in IDMS to indicate that you are sending the papers for a personal call

2. Complete form C40

3. Send the completed form C40 an any related papers to the Debt Management Office making the personal call

4. B/F the papers on IDMS

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Action by receiving Debt Management Office

5. When you receive the papers

  • Arrange for a call to be made

6. After you have made the call

  • Complete section 2 of form C40

  • Return the form and associated papers to the responsible Debt Management Office along with the report of call

7. If appropriate transfer the work item back to the responsible Debt Management Office in IDMS

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Papers not returned to the responsible Debt Management Office

8. If you do not receive a report back from the receiving Debt Management Office within a reasonable time

  • Send a reminder on form C503

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Correspondence which may affect pursuit

9. Where after issue of form C40 the responsible Debt Management Office receives correspondence which may affect pursuit

  • Send a form C503 to the receiving Debt Management Office recalling the papers

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Return of form 40

10. On return of form C40, if recovery proceedings are indicated

  • Arrange to transfer responsibility for the case to the appropriate office

For more information see COM41001