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COM114023 - Pursuit: pursuit work lists: cases working clerically (LCWC) debt management office (Action Guide)

To deal with cases on the ‘Cases Working Clerically List’ in a Debt Management Office consider steps 1 - 11 below. The guide is presented as follows

Steps 1 - 2 Check ownership of case

Step 3 Collectible balance is nil

Steps 4 - 6 Reviewing a case

Steps 7- 8 Filtering the work list for ceased/struck off cases

Step 9 - 11 Identifying cases by amount outstanding

Check ownership of case

1. Use the work list to check that COTAX and IDMS both have ownership of the case.

2. Where the case has been transferred out of IDMS to another Debt Management Office, use Function TRCA (Transfer Case) to transfer the COTAX record to the correct Debt Management Office

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Collectible balance is nil

3. If the pursuit status is still LA but there is nothing collectible you should

  • Use Function AEDP (Amend Effective Date of Payment) to select a payment

  • Re-input the EDP (effective date of payment) exactly as currently displayed

  • Not change the EDP to another date

This will clear the case and amend the pursuit status to Cleared and automatically remove the case from the work list

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Reviewing a case

4. You should review each case and check that it exists in IDMS and is being worked in accordance with REPE guidelines

5. Where you find that the case does not exist in IDMS

  • Use the ‘Create Work Item’ function to enter the debt on IDMS and take appropriate recovery action immediately

6. Where you find the amount outstanding is NIL but the case is still shown as LA in COTAX

  • Use Function AEDP (Amend Effective Date of Payment) to select a payment and re-enter the EDP as it currently displayed. This will prompt COTAX to clear the LA status and remove the case from LCWC

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Filtering the work list for ceased/struck off cases

7. Use LCWC to filter cases by selecting the Sort/Filter button

8. To identify cases where a ceased/struck off date has been entered on COTAX select

  • ‘Date dissolved/struck off’ from the Description drop down menu

  • Select the Filter option

  • Select filter condition ‘Not Equal To’


  • Enter ‘Blank’ in the filter value

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Identifying cases by amount outstanding

9. Use LCWC to sort or filter cases by selecting the Sort/filter button

10. You can then sort cases by the amount outstanding into ascending/descending order by selecting

  • ‘Amount Outstanding’ from the Description drop down menu

  • Select the Sort option


  • Select either ‘Ascending’ or ‘Descending’ as the sort order

11. Alternatively, you can filter the work list to select cases with a set amount outstanding by using the filter option and in the filter condition selecting the ‘Greater Than’ and ‘Less Than’ options

You will need to use the filter conditions several times in order to select the cases you want. Once the cases have been selected you can use the Sort option to put the cases in ascending/descending order.