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COM126020 - Repayments / reallocations: repayment / reallocations work lists: reallocations for authorisation list (REAU)

This subject is presented as follows.

Purpose of the list
How often should the list be reviewed?
Who does what?
When are new entries added?
Reasons for entry
Sorting and filtering - Options and recommendations
The normal next action function
Automatic deletion
Manual deletion

Purpose of the list

There are two versions of the Reallocations for Authorisation List.

  • REAU is the update version.
  • REAV is the view only version.

This work list is available in responsible offices. The purpose of the list is to show cases which involve a S963 CTA 2010 surrender of a repayment to another company in the same group for review by the Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser.

How often should the list be reviewed?

The Reallocations for Authorisation List is an immediate action work list. The Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser should review it daily and deal with any entries immediately.

Who does what?

The list must be dealt with by the Repayment Security Authoriser (RSA) holding the Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser role on COTAX, as appointed by the manager.

When are new entries added?

Entries are added to the Reallocations for Authorisation List immediately when COTAX selects a case for security checking.

Reasons for entry

COTAX selects cases involving a Section 963 CTA 2010 surrender of a repayment to another company in the same group for security checking and puts them on the Reallocations For Authorisation List.

Sorting and filtering - Options and recommendations

Before you start to work cases, you may want to sort and filter the work list to make it more manageable. You can do that by using any of the criteria below. The criteria shown in bold are those you may find most useful when filtering the Reallocations for Authorisation List.

  • File number.
  • Name.
  • Amount reallocated.
  • AP end date.
  • AP number.
  • B/F date.
  • B/F note.
  • Employee name.
  • Entry date.
  • Participator.
  • Participator.
  • Reference.

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The normal next action function

The normal next action function is PRKR (Provide Risk Response).

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Automatic deletion

Cases are automatically deleted from the work list when any of the following apply.

  • The Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser authorises the reallocation using function PRKR (Provide Risk Response).
  • The Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser stops the reallocation using function PRKR.
  • The case is transferred to a new office. The case automatically appears on the new office work list.

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Manual deletion

You cannot manually delete cases from the work list.


  • COM126021 for a list of forms relevant to this subject
  • COM126011 for a list of functions to use in particular situations.