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COM131011 - Returns / notices: returns work lists: functions

The table below tells you the function or functions to use in particular situations.

Situation Function
To capture details from a CT return after it has been logged. CRTN (Capture Return)
To view return information for any live or superseded AP with a logged return. DRTN (Display Return Data)
To record a self assessment. RAMA (Record / Amend Assessment)
To see a list of all APs created for this company and the AP Status of each one and a summary of the accounting position for each AP, including the last pursuit action taken by COTAX and the pursuit status. VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details)
To view general information for any company COTAX record. You can view company details, the responsible office, agent details, communication name and address, acting In capacity details, case notes and bank and / or nominee details. VTPR (View Taxpayer)