COM150 - Forms index
Form number |
Example |
Description |
AOC15 |
N/A |
Used by the ‘Interest Review Unit’ in Accounts Office (Cumbernauld), to return papers to their originator. |
AOC385 |
N/A |
Used by Accounts Office (Cumbernauld) to forward correspondence to the responsible CT office where a suspension has been made and the content of the correspondence suggests there may be an appeal against the charge. |
AZ6 |
N/A |
Multi purpose form used by Accounts Office to send correspondence to the responsible CT or Debt Management office. |
AZ20 |
N/A |
Notification to a responsible CT office, where no suspension is recorded in a Debt Management office on receipt of an appeal. |
AZ44 |
N/A |
Used in Accounts Office to obtain authority to discharge interest. |
AZ63 |
N/A |
Used in a Debt Management office to obtain authority to discharge interest. |
Book 18 |
N/A |
Book used in a Debt Management office to record details of a returned cheque (Book 18 is also a section in Accounts Office that deals with returned cheques). |
C20A |
N/A |
County Court proceedings correspondence file. |
C28(Z) and C28A(Z) |
N/A |
Transfer of County Court costs relating to computer charges. |
C49 |
N/A |
Debt Management office form used to process returned cheque cases. |
C50 |
N/A |
Letter returning cheque for amendment or full completion. |
C52D |
N/A |
Used by Debt Management offices to send an appeal or objection to the responsible CT office. |
C514 |
N/A |
Used for transfer of case with County Court costs. |
CT4(Z) |
N/A |
A manual Corporation Tax assessing set. |
CT41G (new) |
Issued to provide information to newly incorporated companies. Note: issued by COTAX from April 2019. |
CT41G(Clubs) |
Issued manually to obtain details of new clubs, societies and voluntary associations and other similar bodies. |
CT61 Notice |
N/A |
Notice to make a CT61 return. Issued by SAFE. |
CT61 Return |
N/A |
Return of Income Tax on company payments, interest paid, alternative finance payments, manufactured payments from abroad and tax on relevant distributions. Issued by SAFE. |
CT64-4(Ack) |
Used to confirm acknowledgement of an appeal, and acceptance of a postponement application. |
CT64-4 | CT64-4 (PDF 53kb) | Used to confirm acknowledgement of an appeal, and acceptance of a postponement application. |
CT64-5(1) |
A range of forms used on receipt of an unacceptable postponement application. |
CT64-5(2) | CT64-5 (2) (PDF 54kb) | A range of forms used on receipt of an unacceptable postponement application. |
CT64-5(3) | CT64-5 (3) (PDF 32kb) | A range of forms used on receipt of an unacceptable postponement application. |
CT133(R) |
N/A |
A sub-folder held in the main CT file, used to house repayment papers and convey information and instructions to clerical staff. |
CT204 |
N/A |
Information form issued to a company, club or association to review dormancy status and advise active companies to use the Online Tax Registration Service to tell HMRC. From February 2019 this form stopped being issued as part of the changes implemented by the introduction of the new Business Registration process. |
CT205 |
Return reminder issued 28 days before the normal filing date where a payment or nil payslip has been received by Accounts Office but no return has been logged. Where there is a 64-8 signal on the record, only the agent copy is issued. |
CT205 Agent |
Agent copy of the CT205. |
CT207 |
An interest statement sent to the company or agent showing the interest chargeable to a specific date on tax paid late. |
CT208 |
PR1 - A payment reminder issued by COTAX 20 days before the payment due date to the company’s Registered Office address if no payment has been received for that AP. |
CT208 | CT208PR2 (PDF 1.4mb) | PR2 – A combined payment and return reminder issued by COTAX 28 days before the filing due date if no payment has been received and no return has been logged for that AP. Where there is a 64-8 signal on record, only the agent copy is issued. |
CT208 | CT208A (PDF 783 kb) | PR2 – A combined payment and return reminder issued by COTAX 28 days before the filing due date if no payment has been received and no return has been logged for that AP. Where there is a 64-8 signal on record, only the agent copy is issued. |
CT209 |
Receipt form, issued on request, following receipt of payment at Accounts Office. |
CT211: Penalty Determination (flat rate) |
Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CT211: Further Penalty Flat Rate | CT211 Further Penalty - Flat rate (877kb) | Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CT211: Penalty Determination (tax related) | CT211 Penalty Determination - Tax related (PDF 949kb) | Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CT211: Further Penalty Tax Related | CT211 Further Penalty - Tax related (PDF 1.5mb) | Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CT211: Amended Flat rate | CT211 Amended Flat rate (PDF 869kb) | Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CT211: Amended Tax Related | CT211 Amended Penalty Tax related (PDF 824kb) | Penalty determination notice issued to a company showing details of the penalties charged for the failure to deliver one or more returns in response to a notice to deliver. |
CTSA214 |
N/A |
The stock letter used to accompany an unsatisfactory return when it is sent back to a company. This letter is available on SEES. |
CT216 DN1 |
Demand Notes which include mixed duty types and penalty only examples for DN1, DN4 and DN5. COTAX no longer issues DN2, DN3 and DN6. |
CT216 DN4 | CT216 DN4 (PDF 799kb) | Demand Notes which include mixed duty types and penalty only examples for DN1, DN4 and DN5. COTAX no longer issues DN2, DN3 and DN6. |
CT216 DN5 | CT216 DN5 (PDF 791kb) | Demand Notes which include mixed duty types and penalty only examples for DN1, DN4 and DN5. COTAX no longer issues DN2, DN3 and DN6. |
CT220 (together with a table showing the various messages that can appear on it) |
Notice of assessment to a company showing its CT liability for a CT Pay and File AP. |
CT250(P) |
N/A |
Issued by responsible CT office to Accounts Office, when, an assessment is made or amended to include a carry back and it displaces a relief, an amendment is made to give S458 CTA 2010 (formerly S419(4) ICTA 1988) relief, the Clerical Interest Indicator is already set on the AP. This form is available on SEES. |
Intelligent Payment Processing (IPP) Single Form |
N/A |
Issued by responsible CT office to Corporate Finance - this form can be accessed using the link. |
310(Z) - Special Assessment |
N/A |
A manual CT assessing set available on SEES. |
CT600 (2008) Version 2 |
Company Tax Return for accounting periods starting before 1 April 2015. |
CT600 (Short) (2008) Version 2 |
Short Company Tax Return. |
CT600 Guide (2008) Version 2 |
Guide to completing Company Tax Return CT600 (2008) Version 2. |
CT600 (2024) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2015. |
CT600 (2024) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version |
Company Tax Return for accounting periods starting on or after 1 April 2015 - Welsh Language version |
CT600 Guide (2024) Version 3 | Guide to completing Company Tax Return CT600 (2023) Version 3. | |
CT600A (2015) Version 3 | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Close company loans and arrangements to order benefits on participators. | |
CT600A (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Close company loans and arrangements to order benefits on participators. Welsh Language Version |
CT600B (2022) Version 3 | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Controlled foreign companies and foreign permanent establishment exemptions. |
CT600B (2022) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Controlled foreign companies and foreign permanent establishment exemptions. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600C (2018) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Group and Consortium relief. |
CT600C (2018) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600C (2018) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Group and Consortium relief. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600D (2015) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Insurance. |
CT600D (2015) Version 3 -Welsh Language Version | CT600D (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Insurance. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600E (2015) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). |
CT600E (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600E (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). Welsh Language Version. |
CT600F (2023) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Tonnage Tax. |
CT600F (2023) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600F (2023) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Tonnage Tax. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600H (2015) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Cross-border Royalties. |
CT600H (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600H (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Cross-border Royalties. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600I (2019) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Supplementary charge in respect of ring fenced trades. |
CT600I (2019) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600I (2019) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Supplementary charge in respect of ring fenced trades. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600J (2015) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Disclosure of tax avoidance schemes. |
CT600J (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | CT600J (2015) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Disclosure of tax avoidance schemes. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600K (2017) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Restitution Tax |
CT600K (2017) Version 3 -Welsh Language Version | CT600K (2017) Version 3 -Welsh Language Version | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Pages: Restitution Tax. Welsh Language Version. |
CT600L (2022) Version 3 | Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Research and development |
CT600L (2022) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Research and development - Welsh Language Version. |
CT600M (2024) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Freeports |
CT600M (2024) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Freeports - Welsh Language Version. |
CT600N (2023) Version 3 |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Residential Property Developer Tax |
CT600N (2023) Version 3 - Welsh Language Version |
Company Tax Return - Supplementary Page: Residential Property Developer Tax. Welsh Language Version. |
CT603 |
Notice to deliver a return issued for a CTSA AP |
CT603A |
Form issued to an agent showing a list of clients to which a notice to deliver has been issued. |
CT608 (Cumb) |
Payment reminder form issued to an instalment payments case. |
CT610 |
Important dates form issued to new companies to remind them of the dates by which they should make payment and deliver their company tax return form. Not issued after 14 August 2016 as the information is available in a company's online tax account. |
CT620 |
N/A |
Used for CTSA APs to notify a company of a revenue determination and any assessing actions after the self assessment. Examples of the various versions are available below together with the notes that accompany them. |
CT620-ACK(1)/ CT620-ACK(2) |
N/A |
Acknowledgement of a company tax return. From the 19 September 2016 this form stopped being issued from COTAX as the company can see the self assessment charge on their online tax account. |
CT620-AMD |
Notice of amendment to a company tax return (revenue amendment). |
CT620-AMK |
CT620 - AMK (PDF 142kb) |
Acknowledgement of amendment to a company tax return (taxpayer amendment). |
CT620-ASA |
Notice of amendment of self-assessment during enquiry into company tax return (jeopardy amendment). |
CT620-CLA |
Claims and elections not included in a company tax return. |
CT620-CLO |
Notice of completion of enquiry into a company tax return. |
CT620-COR |
Notice of correction to a company tax return. |
CT620-DET |
Determination of tax payable in the absence of a company tax return (revenue determination). |
CT620-DIS |
Assessment to make good to the Crown a loss of tax (discovery assessment). |
CT630 |
A notice issued to the nominated company once a tax charge has been established on each of the participating companies APs in a Group Payment Arrangement detailing charges held for each participating company, payments made in respect of the Group Payment Period and any apparent underpayment or overpayment. |
CT631 |
A notice issued by the Group Payment Team if the nominated company does not respond to a Closure Notice within 30 days of its issue. The notice shows how HMRC will apportion payments made for the Group Payment Period (GPP) against the participating companies APs for the GPP. |
FAO1848 |
A repayment document issued to the company, or its nominee, made up of both the repayment notification, and the payable order. |
FAO1913 |
N/A |
Issued by Finance to confirm to the Accounts Office or responsible CT office that a payable order has been cancelled, when the responsible CT office or Accounts Office initiate the cancellation but don’t request authority to issue a fresh payable order. |
FAO1913B |
N/A |
Issued by Finance when they cancel a payable order and Provide authority to issue a fresh payable order. |
FAO2601 |
N/A |
Issued by Finance to confirm to Accounts Office or responsible CT office that a payable order has been cancelled, when the responsible CT office or Accounts Office initiate the cancellation and request authority to issue a fresh payable order. |
INSOL200 |
N/A |
Notification of Insolvency, issued by ICHU. |
IRU1 |
N/A |
Submission form used in Accounts Office (Cumbernauld), to refer a case to the Interest Review Unit. |
MS104(CTPF) |
Return folder for use with a CT Pay and File return form (CT200). |
MS104(CTSA) |
Return folder for use with a CTSA return form (CT600). |
MS134 |
N/A |
Notification from responsible CT office, of an assessment raised in an investigation case. |
N1 |
N/A |
County Court default summons form, used in Debt Management offices. |
P510 |
N/A |
Notification of a new employer, issued to the PAYE section. |
PS1(BZ) |
N/A |
Payslip used to process remittances at Accounts Office (Shipley). |
R49 |
N/A |
Used by a Technical Caseworker in pay band grade 7, to authorise a repayment over £250,000. |
R90 / R90A |
N/A |
Used when setting a pre CT Pay and File repayment against an unpaid liability. |
R400(CT GUIDE) |
N/A |
List of security checks, and guidance, for the CT processing office ‘Repayment / Reallocation Authoriser’. |
Form number |
Example |
Description |
33C/EO |
N/A |
Enquiry by Enforcement & Insolvency Service to responsible CT office in compulsory liquidation cases. |
34/EO |
N/A |
Notification to responsible CT office of voluntary winding-up. |
34C/EO |
N/A |
Enquiry by Enforcement & Insolvency Service to responsible CT office in voluntary winding-up cases. |
64-8 |
Company’s authority for agent to receive copy assessments and correspondence. |
84A/EO |
N/A |
An ‘Absolute Stop’ notification issued by Enforcement & Insolvency Service (Worthing), where further arrears arise. |
394 (Set) |
N/A |
Form used in Instalment Payments cases to raise a penalty, when so required. |