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COM151050 - CT Pay and File: assessments: capital allowances

Companies can make, amend or withdraw claims to capital allowances.

Para 10 and para 11 SchA1 CAA 1990 provide authority for making any assessments and adjustments to assessments or determinations needed to give effect to the making or withdrawal of capital allowances claims.

If an assessment needed would be out of time under the general rules of S34 TMA 1970, it will nevertheless be in time if made within 12 months from:

  • in the case of a claim, the date an assessment, or S41A TMA 1970 determination affected by the claim becomes final or
  • in the case of a withdrawal of a claim, the date of withdrawal


  • COM50001 onwards for more information on Capital Allowances
  • COM151051 for legislation applying to this subject.