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COM151210 - CT Pay and File: assessments: overpayment after making / amending assessment

When you make or amend an assessment for a CT Pay and File AP, you may create an overpayment. Screens COT120G or COT120H in Functions PASR (Prepare Assessment Based On Return) or PAST (Prepare Full Assessment) show you

  • The amount of CT overpaid
  • Surplus Income Tax that may be repayable
  • Surplus SC60 tax that may be repayable

In most circumstances, COTAX reallocates or repays an overpayment of CT automatically when you confirm the assessment or amendment.

You must deal with any surplus of Income Tax or SC60 Tax using manual procedures, because COTAX only handles CT overpayments.

See COM120000 onwards for more information about

  • Preventing an automatic repayment of CT, or dealing with an overpayment in a specific way
  • Repaying any surplus of Income Tax or SC60 Tax

For a list of functions to use in particular situations, see COM151011.