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COM23140 - Assessing: CTSA assessments: overpayment after using function RAMA

You may create an overpayment for an AP by using function RAMA (Record / Amend Assessment) to record or amend an assessment.

Screen COT121G shows you:

  • the amount of CT overpaid
  • surplus Income Tax that may be repayable
  • surplus tax credits that may be repayable.

Any surplus amounts shown are not included in the amount of CT overpaid and are not included in any automatic repayment or reallocation. You must consider whether a repayment of the surplus is appropriate and if so, use function DSET (District Set Off). See COM122010 for further information.

When you confirm the assessment or amendment, COTAX reallocates or repays an overpayment of CT automatically or enters the overpayment on the Overpayments List (LOPD), Overpayments Review List (LOPU) or Overpayments Requiring Urgent Review List (ORUR) work list.

Where an overpayment has been reallocated, repaid or entered on a work list, a message appears on the screen to advise you of this. You should review the record using functions VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details) and DAPD (Display AP Details). If you want to change the action taken by COTAX, you can:

  • use function SREP (Stop Repayment) to cancel a repayment on the day it is created
  • make a further reallocation using function REWD (Direct Reallocation within COTAX) or REOD (Direct Reallocation out of COTAX)
  • amend the signals set in functions MAPS (Maintain AP Signals) or MRSC (Maintain Repay / Realloc Signals (Company)).

You must decide whether any surplus of Income Tax or tax credits should be repaid and use function DSET (District Set Off) if appropriate.


  • COM120000 onwards for more information about preventing an automatic repayment of CT, dealing with an overpayment in a specific way or repaying any surplus of Income Tax or tax credits
  • COM23012 for a list of functions to use in particular situations.