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COM32006 - Background: features of COTAX: changing office details on COTAX output (Action Guide)

To arrange for the office details on COTAX output to be changed, consider steps 1 - 7 below.

You must have authority from your senior responsible manager before requesting changes.

  1.  Go to Public Folders in Outlook, which are located below your list of personal folders. If they are not visible, use the Outlook Go menu and select Folder List.

  2.  Navigate to Public Folders > All Public Folders > Inland Revenue > Topic > i2k > Corporate Systems.

  3.  Select ‘Changes to Organisational Structure.oft’.

  4.  When the ‘Opening Mail Attachment’ message appears, select [Open].

  5.  If you see a blank email instead of the e-form, the form has not been published to your workstation. In the Corporate Systems folder, select ‘Accessing the Corporate Systems e-form’ and follow the procedure to publish the form to your workstation, then repeat step 3

  6.  Complete the entries in the COTAX/IDMS/EBS/NTC/COW/SAFE and AUTHORITY tabbed sections of the form.

  7.  Select [Send] to issue the request to the appropriate team.