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COM41010 - Case records: responsible offices: list of cases in CT responsible office

You can request a list of the COTAX cases for which your office is responsible. It can be tailored to your requirements using information stored in the data warehouse. If the MUID of your office ends in ‘00’, the list is provided on an Excel spreadsheet and includes the following basic information for each case, although other data items can be included:

  • the reference
  • company name
  • company address
  • ceased / struck off date
  • latest AP end date.

For CT offices ending with numbers other than ‘00’, a set paper listing can be printed. For each case, the list shows:

  • the reference
  • company name
  • last live accounting period (AP) or dormant period dates
  • date of liquidation if present
  • company registration and trade classification numbers
  • date last return was received and to which AP it relates.

If you have a business requirement for a list, you should send a formal request from your Area Director Compliance by email (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

You should note that we have to give normal COTAX batch operations priority over producing these lists.