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COM41024 - Case records: responsible offices: transfer cases from one CT responsible office to another (Action Guide)

To transfer cases from one CT responsible office to another, consider steps 1 - 3 below.

Transfer up to 25 COTAX records

1. If you need to transfer a record from your office:

  • note the new office details
  • note whether the EIP (Enquiry in Progress signal) is displayed
  • check the ‘view case notes’ option in function VTPR (View Taxpayer) to see if there is any ongoing correspondence.

2. If there is any ongoing correspondence or the ‘enquiry in progress’ signal is set, consult the caseworker dealing with the case to make sure the record can be transferred.

3. Where the caseworker agrees to the transfer, use function TRCA (Transfer Case(s)) to transfer the case.