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COM42012 - Case records: maintaining case records: functions

The table below tells you the function or functions to use in particular situations.

For details of how to access any of the COTAX functions select Index of Functions on the left of the screen.

Situation Function
To enter or amend the name and address of an administrator, name and address of a liquidator appointed to act for the company or name and address of a supervisor (voluntary arrangements). ACAP (Add / Amend Acting In Capacity)
To enter or amend the following the name of an unincorporated association, main address of an unincorporated association, the ‘Abroad’ signal, the ‘RLS’ signal on a Registered Office or main address. You can also amend the evening telephone number, mobile telephone number, fax number and email address. ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address)
To view how and when the company name, address and contact details were last changed. The Registered Office address for a registered company must always be the one shown on the Companies House record. ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address)
To enter or amend the following the communication address where it is different from the Registered Office or main address, the ‘RLS’ signal on a communication address. You can also add or amend the evening telephone number, mobile telephone number, fax number and email address. ACOM (Amend Communication Details)
Liquidator’s address only. COTAX generated output addressed to the company is sent to the liquidator’s address if the Registered Office is RLS. Enter the liquidator’s details in this function as well as entering the liquidator’s name and address in Function ACAP. ACOM (Amend Communication Details)
To view how and when the company communication name, address and contact details were last changed. If the communication address is the same as the registered office address, do not use the terms AA, as above or business address. Always enter the full communication address as COTAX prints exactly the details you enter in these fields. ACOM (Amend Communication Details)
To enter or amend the following the parent company reference, company registration number, date of incorporation, date business commenced, intended first accounting date, company status, administration start date, administration end date, solvency status, CT41G Issued, date CT41G to be issued, CT204 issued, date CT204 to be issued for incorporated companies only, ‘S55 satisfied’ signal, intent to strike off date, date of liquidation, Co Liqn - Mem Vol, date dissolved / struck off for incorporated companies or date ceased for unincorporated companies, language, Oil/Gas Exploration case signal and the transferable tax history signal available in Oil Taxation Offices only, charity case signal and PAYE reference. ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details)
You no longer need to maintain the TCN field, ‘Construction Industry Scheme’ (CIS) signal or the substitute return signal. The charity case indicator is set only by staff in Specialist PT Charities. Setting the security deposit signal should only be completed by the securities team. ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details)
To add or amend the following agent details on the company’s COTAX record - client reference, start and end dates of the period for which the agent acts, ‘64-8’ signal and indication that the agent has permanently ceased to act for the company. AMAG (Add / Amend Agent)
To view how and when the agent name, address and contact details were last changed. You must also consider whether you need to notify other systems of any amendments you make. AMAG (Add / Amend Agent)
To change the value of the ‘quarterly instalment payment’ (QIP) signal. MAPS (Maintain AP Signals)
To enter and view case notes relevant to the company. The notes must not include any customer information regarding the company or its officers, such as bank details. NOTE (Case Notes)
To see and work cases where the Registered Office address is RLS and to see whether there is output awaiting manual issue. RRLS (Registered Office RLS List)
To trace the agent identity and details of the office responsible for the agent’s record. TRAG (Trace Agent)
To trace a company using the name, address or CRN (Company Registration Number). You can filter the results by excluding ceased or historical records. TRCT (Trace Taxpayer)
To view the following - company details, office details, agent details, communication details, acting in capacity details, case notes and bank and / or nominee details, transferable tax history details VTPR (View Taxpayer)