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COM42041 - Case records: maintaining case records: entering capacity details in COTAX - company insolvent

Where you are advised that a company is insolvent you need to update the COTAX records as follows.

Liquidation - creditors’ voluntary

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘I’ and date of liquidation.
ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) Check the Companies House record. If the Registered Office address has not been changed to that of the liquidator, change the RLS indicator to ‘Y’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of liquidation.
ACOM (Amend Communication Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the communication name and address fields only where the Registered Office has not been changed to that of the liquidator.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Liquidator.

Liquidation - members’ voluntary

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘S’, date of liquidation and Co Liq Mem Vol - ‘Y’.
ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) Check the Companies House record. If the Registered Office address has been changed to that of the liquidator, amend the RO address.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of liquidation.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Liquidator.

Liquidation - compulsory

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘I’ and date of liquidation.
ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) Check the Companies House record. If the Registered Office address has not been changed to that of the liquidator, change the RLS indicator to ‘Y’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of liquidation.
ACOM (Amend Communication Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the communication name and address fields only where the Registered Office has not been changed to that of the liquidator.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Liquidator.


Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘I’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of receivership.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the receiver’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Receiver.

Voluntary arrangement

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘V’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Do not show the agent as ceased.
ACOM (Amend Communication Details) Do not enter the supervisor’s details in the communication name and address fields.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Do not enter the supervisor’s details in the capacity name and address fields.

Company administration from 15 September 2003

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘A’ and administration start date.
ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) Check the Companies House record. If the Registered Office address has not been changed to that of the liquidator, change the RLS indicator to ‘Y’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of administration.
ACOM (Amend Communication Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the communication name and address fields only where the Registered Office has not been changed to that of the liquidator
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the receiver’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Administrator.

Administrative receivership before 15 September2003

Function Fields to complete
ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details) Solvency status field - ‘A’ and receivership start date.
ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) Check the Companies House record. If the Registered Office address has not been changed to that of the liquidator, change the RLS indicator to ‘Y’.
AMAG (Add / Amend Agent Details) Show the agent as ceased acting only where the date appointed is before the date of receivership.
ACOM (Amend Communication Details) Enter the liquidator’s details in the communication name and address fields only where the Registered Office has not been changed to that of the liquidator.
ACAP (Add / Amend Capacity Details) Enter the receiver’s details in the capacity name and address fields and capacity role - Receiver.