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COM43011 - Case records: RLS addresses: forms

The following forms are relevant to dealing with correspondence returned RLS.

Form Description
64-8 (New) The form on which a company can authorise the issue of copies of COTAX output to an agent.
CT41G Issued to provide information to newly incorporated companies.
CT64-4 Notification of a postponement agreement.
CT204 Review form issued to companies marked as dormant on COTAX, advising them of their responsibility to inform us if they fall within the charge to CT.
CT205 Return reminder issued by COTAX to unrepresented companies 28 days before the filing date (Word 38kb) if a payment has been received but no return has been logged for that AP. Where the company is represented, a form CT205A is issued to the agent only.
CT207 Statement of interest charged, issued at a Debt Management officer’s request.
CT208 Combined payment and return reminder issued by COTAX to unrepresented companies 42 days before the filing date if no payment has been received and no return has been logged for that AP. Where the company is represented, a form CT208A is issued to the agent only.
CT209 Payment receipt.
CT210 Taxpayer notification of change of responsible office.
CT211 Form used for Flat-rate and Tax-related Penalty Determinations.
CT216 Series of payment applications.
CT600 CT return form for CTSA AP.
CT603 Notice issued by COTAX requiring a company to make a return for a specified period.
CT603A Agents List A monthly list sent to agents showing clients to whom COTAX has issued a form CT603.
CT608 Quarterly Payer instalments payslip.
CT610 A letter issued to new companies advising them of important dates. This form has not been issued since 18 September 2016.
CT620 Multi purpose form used to notify a revenue determination, revenue amendment, discovery assessment, jeopardy amendment, closure notice with revenue amendment or correction notice.
CT630 Closure notice for a Group Payment Period.
CT631 Apportionment notice for a Group Payment Period.
FAO1848 Repayment payable order.
R1000CS Repayment notification.