COM43012 - Case records: RLS addresses: functions
The table below tells you the function or functions to use in particular situations.
For details of how to access any of the COTAX functions select ‘Index Of Functions’ on the left of the screen.
On accessing the function, system Help is available to you at function, screen, field and error message levels.
Situation | Function |
To enter or amend the name and address or to set the RLS signal for Administrators, Receivers, Liquidators, Trustees, agent of a non resident company | ACAP (Add / Amend Acting In Capacity) |
To amend the name, address and contact details for an unincorporated body and note that a Registered Office address is RLS. Note: Name and Registered Office address changes for companies incorporated at Companies House are sent to HMRC and the COTAX record automatically updated. | ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address) |
To enter or amend a communication address, (including an address which is outside the UK) name or communication contact details including telephone number and note that a communication address is RLS | ACOM (Amend Communication Details) |
To view the record of pursuit action taken in a particular case | DPUR (Display Pursuit Action) |
To reissue a Closure Notice for a Group Payment Period | ICAP (Issue Closure Notice / Allocate Payments) |
To revise APs and set up periods of dormancy and exemption | MAPD (Maintain AP Dates) |
To reissue a payment application | RAPP (Revise AP Pursuit) |
To reissue a penalty determination only where the original is returned RLS, or was not received by the company | RPEN (Request Reissue Of Penalty Determination) |
To re-issue the following only where the original is returned RLS, or was not received by the company. A Revenue Determination, Revenue Amendment, Discovery Assessment, Jeopardy Amendment, Closure Notice with Revenue Amendment, Correction Notice. | RRAS (Request Reissue Of Assessment) |
Work List of cases where the Registered Office is RLS | RRLS (Registered Office RLS List) |
To reissue a Notice to Deliver only where the original is returned RLS, or was not received by the company | RSRR (Reissue Specified Period Notice) |
To check whether any of a company’s addresses are RLS | VTPR (View Taxpayer) |