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COM44052 - Case records: agents: more than one agent acting for a company (Action Guide)

To set up and maintain an additional agent on a company record, consider steps 1 - 6 below. The guide is presented as follows.

Action Steps
Set up an additional agent on a company record Steps 1 - 3
Correcting a period of responsibility Steps 4 - 6

Set up an additional agent on a company record

1. Use function AMAG (Add/Amend Agent) to view details of the agent currently acting for the company. To keep this agent and add a second one, choose the ‘Keep this agent and add a new agent’ option from the ‘cease/add agent’ drop down list then select the [OK] button.

2. On the update screen TXP002J, enter the new agent details, select the [P of R] button and select the [OK] button. If you do not know the agent ID, use function TRAG (Trace Agent) to find it.

3. In the dialog box enter the start and end of the period for which the new agent is responsible, then select the [OK] button. The period of responsibility must relate to one or more specific APs on the company’s record.

Correcting a period of responsibility

4. Where a start date has been entered in error or is incorrect, make a note of the agent ID, 64-8 details and any client reference set on the company record.

5. Use function AMAG (Add/Amend Agent). In the ‘cease/add agent’ field, choose the ‘cease this agent and add a new agent’ option and select [OK].

6. The incorrect agent information shows as ceased and you are presented with a blank screen to re-enter the agent ID and the correct period of responsibility.