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COM45012 - Case records: records work lists: functions

The table below tells you the function or functions to use in particular situations.

For details of how to access any of the COTAX functions select Index of Functions on the left of the screen.

Situation Function
To amend the address of unincorporated associations. The Registered Office address is automatically updated from Companies House. ACNA (Amend Company Name / Address)
To enter or amend date of striking off or cessation. ACTP (Amend CT Payer Details)
To set the ‘refer for remission’ (RFR) signal to ‘Y’. MAPS (Maintain AP Details)
To add a note to the case when transferring to another office. NOTE (Cotax Notes)
To prepare or amend a penalty determination. PPEN (Prepare Penalty Determination)
To record or amend a tax charge. RAMA (Record / Amend Assessment)
To transfer a case to another office. TRCA (Transfer Case)
To determine the payment position on the AP, view the status of a repayment, identify the individual postings that may have resulted in an overpayment. VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details)
To view full company name and contact details. VTPR (View Company Details)
To view full agent name, address and contact details. VWAG (View Agent)