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COM71021 - Enquiries: CTSA enquiries: forms

The following forms are relevant to CTSA enquiries.

Form Description
94 Computation of the expected contract offer to settle enquiry.
SAFE stencil Form used to ask the SAFE nominee to create a charge on SAFE to account for the net offer payable under a Contract enquiry settlement.
Intelligent Payment Processing (IPP) Single Form To let Corporate Finance know how to deal with a repayment that has been transferred into OAS.
CT600 CT return form for a CTSA AP including a self assessment.
CT620 A suite of forms used for a CTSA AP to notify a company of various actions regarding the self assessment.
R90A set Form used to notify Corporate Finance of the amount of a repayment, the charges against which it is to be set and any amounts which are to remain standing-over after the set-off has been made.