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COM82022 - Interest: interest objections and amendments: functions

The table below tells you the function or functions you may have to use when dealing with interest objections and amendments.

Situation Function
To amend an effective date of payment EDP. AEDP (Amend Effective Date of Payment)
To see a work list of cases where the clerical interest indicator (CII) or the credit / debit interest indicator (CDII) is set. CIIW (Clerical Interest Indicator Worklist)
To compute interest using notional dates. CINT (Compute Interest)
To view interest accruals. DINT (Display Interest Computation)
To display pursuit action. DPUR (Display Pursuit Action)
To view details of any periods of suspension. DSUS (Display Suspension History)
To set signals at AP level affecting clerical pursuit, including the clerical interest indicator (CII), credit / debit interest indicator (CDII) and repayment and reallocation signals. RAPP (Revise AP Pursuit)
To reallocate an overpayment from outside COTAX to an AP within COTAX. REAI (Direct Reallocation Into COTAX)
To transfer an overpayment to OAS. REAO (Direct Reallocation Out Of COTAX)
To reallocate an overpayment to another AP within COTAX. REAW (Direct Reallocation Within COTAX)
To record an informal discharge. RINF (Record Informal Discharge)
To calculate interest for an AP to a specific date, and have the option to raise a charge on the record. RMIC (Raise Manual Interest Charge)
To record a remission. RREM (Record Remission)
To record, amend or cancel a suspension of the collectible amount. RSUS (Record /Amend Suspension)
To view details of charges, payments and repayments, and a summary of the accounting position for the AP. VPPD (View Payment and Posting Details)