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COM94042 - Payments: payments work lists: quarterly payer review list (QPRW) (Action Guide)

To deal with cases on the Quarterly Payer Review List consider the steps 1 - 11 below. The guide is presented as follows.

Initial action

Step 1 - 3

Check return details

Step 4 - 8

Check AP details

Step 9

Clerical action if no return recorded

Step 10 - 11

Initial action

1.  Use function QPRW (Quarterly Payer review List) to display the work list and if necessary, filter and sort it.

2.  Select the entry that you want to work and use the [View] button to see all available details for the case.

3.  Make a note of the return period and reason for listing.

Check return details

4.  Use View CT Returns and function DRTN (Display Return Details) to check the contents of the return.

5.  Check whether the profits for the AP exceed the lower limit for quarterly payers in force at the end of that period. 

If there are any 51% group or associated companies, reduce the lower limit by dividing it by:

  • the number of 51% group companies shown in Box 625 of the CT600 (Version 3) for APs ending on or before 31 March 2023
  • the number of associated companies shown in Box 326 of the CT600 (Version 3) plus one for APs ending on or after 1 April 2023

The lower limit is proportionately reduced if the AP is less than 12 months. Refer to CTM92520 in the Company Taxation Manual for further information and guidance.

6.  Where the profits for the AP do not exceed the lower limit, the company is not large and the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘N’ for the AP.

7.  If the lower limit has been exceeded, check the following before amending the ‘QIP’ signal:

  • where the profits for the AP are more than £10m the company is large and the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘L’ for the AP unless the following condition applies. Where the profits for the AP are more than £20M the company is very large and the 'QIP' signal should be set to 'V'
  • where the company’s liability is £10,000 or less, proportionally reduced if the AP is less than 12 months, the company is not large and the ‘QIP’ signal should be set at ‘N’
  • where the company’s liability is more than £10,000 check if the company was large in the previous AP. Where it wasn’t then the company is not large and the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘N’. Where it was, the company is large or very large and the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘L’ or 'V'

Refer to CTM92520 in the Company Taxation Manual for further information and guidance.

8.  Use function MAPS (Maintain AP Signals) to amend the ‘QIP’ signal if required for this AP and set the appropriate signal for the following AP. The general rule is as follows:

  • if the ‘QIP’ signal is set to ‘N’ for this AP, the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘N’ for the following AP
  • if the ‘QIP’ signal is set to ‘Y’ for this AP, the ‘QIP’ signal should be set to ‘P’ for the following AP

The only exception is when the company is a special case as described at CTM92530 in the Company Taxation Manual and the ‘QIP’ signal is set to ‘N’ for this AP, the ‘QIP’ signal for the following AP should be set to ‘P’.

If it is not appropriate to amend the ‘QIP’ signal and you manually delete the case, COTAX automatically repays and reallocates any amount overpaid for this accounting period unless you have already set an inhibition in functions MAPS or MRSC (Maintain Repay / Realloc Signals (Company)).

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Check AP details

9.  Use function DAPD (Display AP Details) to see if the APs have been superseded. If a new accounting period has been created that overlaps with an existing ‘live’ AP, make sure the new AP is related to the one that has been superseded. Use function MAPS (Maintain AP Signals) to alter the ‘QIP’ signal if appropriate.

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Clerical action if no return recorded

10. If there is no return recorded, check COTAX notes to see if a return has been unlogged and the reason why it was unlogged.

11. Use function MAPS (Maintain AP Signals) to amend the ‘QIP’ signal if appropriate.

The case is automatically deleted from the work list if the ‘QIP’ signal is amended from ‘L’ or 'V' to ‘N’ or ‘N’ to ‘L’ or 'V'. COTAX automatically repays and reallocates any amount overpaid for this accounting period unless you have already set an inhibition in function MAPS or MRSC.