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COM95050 - Payments: quarterly instalment payments: instalment due dates

An instalment due date is a date on which an instalment payment is due and payable. The dates are as follows.

For a 12 month AP for a ‘Large’ company

Instalment Instalment due date
First six months and 13 days from the start of the AP.
Second three months from the first instalment due date.
Third three months from the second instalment due date.
Final three months and 14 days from the end of the AP.

For a 12 month AP for a ‘Very Large’ company where the AP starts on or after 01/04/19

Instalment Instalment due date
First two months and 13 days from the start of the AP.
Second three months from the first instalment due date
Third three months from the second instalment due date.
Final 1. AP ends on last day of month \n last day of month prior to AP end date month plus 14 days\n2. AP does not end at the end of a month \n a) same day as AP end day in previous month plus 14 days \n b) if same day does not exist then previous month last day plus 14 days

You must determine the due dates for the second and third instalments from the due date for the first and second instalments respectively, not from the start of the AP.

When the first or second instalment is due on the last day of a calendar month, the second or third instalment is due on the last day of the third following month.

When the first or second instalment is due on some other day, the second or third instalment is due on the correspondingly numbered day in the third following month.

When there is no correspondingly numbered day in the third following month, the second or third instalment is due on the last day of the third following month.

For an AP of less than 12 months

The final instalment is due, as normal, three months and 14 days from the end of the AP. Earlier instalments are due only if the dates for the earlier instalments as shown above, fall earlier than the date of the final instalment.

This means that an AP of:

  • three months or less, requires only the final instalment
  • between three months and one day and six months, requires only a first and a final instalment
  • between six months and one day and nine months, requires a first, second and a final instalment
  • more than nine months, requires all four instalments.

See the Company Taxation Manual (CTM) at CTM92570 and 92590 for examples of instalment dates for APs of 12 months or less.

For quarterly instalment payment cases with APs that ended before 1 July 2002, there was a transitional period with different payment dates. See COM95005 for more information.