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CDSSG04014 - Where to find Navigation Guidance for the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3

Each Guidance section of the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3 contains a unique Navigation Guide for the type of movement being made, for example the Navigation Guide for the Inventory Imports Tariff covers import Customs Clearance Requests (CCRs) and import EIDR NOPs.

Each Navigation Guide can be found within the Guidance Section of the Tariff for the specific Movement Type and accessed from the landing page of the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3.

The Navigation Guide is the first link within each Movement Type's Guidance section and should always be a users starting point whenever they are making a customs declaration or customs clearance request (CCR) to CDS.

It is imported to verify that you are in the correct version of the Navigation Guide before proceeding to ensure the guidance and links you follow are appropriate for the movement type being used, e.g., you do not follow imports guidance when exporting goods.

The data sets, procedure codes and other links within the Navigation Guide are unique, in some cases, to the type of movement being made. 

Using these on a different movement type will result in the declaration being rejected, e.g., using an export procedure code on an import declaration.


The Import Customs Clearance Requests (inventory imports) and Export Customs Clearance Requests (inventory exports)  collections are for use where no written import or export customs declaration is required to release the goods.  These should not be used for inventory linked clearances where a written import or export customs declaration is required.   These are used for Customs Clearance Requests (CCRs - formerly referred to as C21s) and Entry in Declarants Records Notifications of Presentations (EIDR NOPs)

Inventory linked import and export customs declarations should be completed using the imports or exports tariff collections.  The inventory reference number is declared in DE 2/1 for those types of customs declaration.