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CDSSG04330 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 3 - Movement Types and Finding Procedure Codes

Each Movement Type restricts the Requested Procedures that are permitted with it.

It is important to ensure you are in the correct version of Appendix 1 for the Movement Type being used. Failure to properly identify the Movement Type and the Appendix 1 to be used will result in the customs declaration or Customs Clearance Request (CCR) being rejected for an incompatible procedure code being used.

Movement Type Appendix 1 Version to be used
Written import customs declarations Imports Tariff
Import Entry in Declarants Records (EIDR) Notification of Presentation (NOP) Imports Tariff
Written export customs declarations Exports Tariff
Export EIDR NOP Exports Tariff
Import Customs Clearance Requests (CCR) Inventory Imports Tariff
Export CCRs Inventory Exports Tariff
Final Supplementary Declarations (FSDs) FSD Tariff

Each Movement Type specifies the Requested Procedures that are allowed and these are listed in the index page for the relevant version of Appendix 1.

Requested Procedure Description Movement Types Permitted
01 Onward dispatch (OSD) Imports
07 Excise warehouse Imports
40 Release to free circulation Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
42 Onward supply relief (OSR) Imports
44 End use Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
51 Inward processing (IP) Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
53 Temporary admission (TA) Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
61 Re-importation of goods Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
71 Customs Warehousing (CW) Imports and Import EIDR NOPs
10 Permanent Export or Dispatch Exports and Export EIDR NOPs
11 Inward Processing Prior Export Equivalence Exports
21 Temporary Export under Outward Processing Exports
22 Temporary Export or Dispatch under Outward Processing if not covered by Procedure 21. Exports
23 Temporary Export for return of goods in the unaltered state (Returned Goods Relief) Exports and Export EIDR NOPs
31 31 Series Procedure Codes: Re-export or Dispatch of non-Union goods following a Special Procedure Exports and Export EIDR NOPs
000 Customs Clearance Requests (CCR) Import CCRs (C21i)
001 Customs Clearance Requests (CCR) Export CCRs (C21e)
009 Final Supplementary Declaration (FSD) Reports FSD

If the Requested Procedure is not shown in the list for the relevant Movement Type it is not permitted.

For example, the Exports Tariff permits Requested Procedure 23.

The Exports (inventory) Customs Clearance Requests (CCR) only permit Requested Procedure 001.

Requested Procedure 23 (Temporary Export for Returned Goods Relief) is therefore not permitted on an export Customs Clearance Request (CCR). It would be permitted on a C21e EIDR NOP or a written export declaration.

Where the goods qualified to be declared on an oral declaration for temporary export for Returned Goods Relief, Procedure Code 0015 could be used on the export CCR instead of Requested Procedure 23.

See section CDSSG09000 for more details.