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CDSSG04530 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 5 - Finding Additional Procedure Code index lists

Navigation Step 5 directs the user to the appropriate Appendix 2 for the movement type to find the necessary guidance within the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3 to enable the Additional Procedure Code to be selected.

  • Step 5: Use the Index List for the Additional Procedure Codes in Appendix 2to identify the correct Additional Procedure Codes to use to declare the goods. These should be picked using the list of permitted codes identified in Step 4.

The index List is found in the first link within the Appendix 2 collection page for each Movement Type

Step 5 of the Step-By-Step Guide (Section CDSSG10000) walks the user through the process necessary to select the Additional Procedure Code.

Compatible DE 1/10 and DE 1/11 Combinations:

Each Procedure Code restricts the DE 1/11 Additional Procedure Codes that may used.

Step 4 of the Navigation guide directs users to the correlation matrix within the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3 where the lists of permitted DE 1/10 and DE 1/11 combinations may be found.

It is important that the compatible codes are identified PRIOR to using the index lists in Appendix 2, to avoid an Additional Procedure Code being selected that is not permitted to be used with the Procedure Code declared in DE 1/10.

If a DE 1/11 Additional Procedure Code is declared which is not compatible with the Procedure Code declared in DE 1/10 the declaration will be rejected.

Additional Procedure Code Index Lists:

It is important that the correct version of Appendix 2 is used to ensure the code selected is compatible with the Movement Type and Procedure Code being used.

The first link within Appendix 2 of the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3 takes the user to an index list of Procedure Codes that may be used for that movement type.