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CDSSG04610 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 6 - Understanding Additional Information Statements

Step 6 of the Navigation Guide, for the specific Movement Type, requires users to identify the need for any additional information to be provided on the customs declaration or Customs Clearance Request (CCR).

  • Step 6: Examine Appendix 4: D.E. 2/2: Additional Information (AI) Statement Codes to identify any additional information to be declared, as defined in the Procedure and Additional Procedure Code completion instructions and the UK Integrated Online Tariff or the Northern Ireland Online Tariff (commodity and procedure code specific requirements)

Additional Information Statements are declared in DE 2/2 and are used to provide information required by the Customs authorities to release the goods to a customs procedure that does not have a designated data element in its own right.

This information is provided in two parts:

  • A 5-character code that identifies the type of information being provided
  • A free-text statement that provides the required information.

Appendix 4 contains the full list of Additional Information codes, a description of their usage and specifies the information to be provided for each.

The AI codes listed in Appendix 4 are split into two tables:

Union AI Codes take precedence and should be declared first.

More information:

Step 6 of the Step-By-Step Guide (section CDSSG11000) provides more information on:

  • Identifying AI codes from Procedure Codes
  • Identifying AI codes from Additional Procedure Codes
  • Other Drivers for AI codes
  • How to construct an AI statement.