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CDSSG04630 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 6 - Finding AI codes required by Additional Procedure Codes

Step 6 of the Navigation Guide, for the specific Movement Type, also requires users to check the chosen Additional Procedure Codes in Appendix 2 Completion Notes for any extra AI codes that are required.

The Appendix 2 completion notes will identify any mandatory or recommended AI codes for each Additional Procedure Code.

For example, Additional Procedure Code D19:

Coverage AI statement code Details to be declared
Authorisation by Customs Declaration users only. Only to be completed where the party using the Temporary Admission goods is not the importer (D.E. 3/15 or D.E. 3/16). GEN21 Enter the name and address details of the party using the goods.
Holders of a full Temporary Admission authorisation only. Only to be completed where the person using the goods is not the Temporary Admission authorisation holder (D.E. 3/16 and D.E. 3/39). GEN27 Enter the name and address details of the party using the goods.
Temporary Admissions: State how long the goods will be used and the intended date for re-exportation. GEN28 Enter the duration the goods intended usage followed by the intended date of re-export.


The AI codes provided against the Additional Procedure Code in Appendix 2 Completion Notes are not an exhaustive list. These are the mandatory or most common AI codes that apply to the given Additional Procedure. Appendix 4 should still be reviewed to identify if any other AI codes apply. See section CDSSG11040 for more guidance on Additional Procedure Codes and AI codes.

See section CDSSG11050 for guidance on how to identify other AI codes that may be required.