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CDSSG04730 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 7 - Finding document codes required by the Procedure Code

In addition to any Document Codes required by the Commodity Code, Step 7 of the Navigation Guide, for the specific Movement Type, requires user to check the chosen Procedure Code’s completion notes in Appendix 1.

The Appendix 1 completion notes will contain guidance on any specific Document Codes which are required in order to release the goods to the chosen Procedure Code.

For example, Procedure Code 7100:

Documents produced, certificates and authorisations, additional references (D.E. 2/3):

Please refer to Appendix 5: D.E. 2/3 Documents and Other Reference Codes for the relevant document codes, document status codes and details to be declared (for example, licences and certificates). Where both Union and National document codes are being declared, enter any Union codes first. Union codes will begin with a letter.

Appendix 5 includes the codes for all documents, references and authorisation types that may be used on CDS. For example, C514 to be declared when Entry in Declarant’s Records (EIDR) is being used). The corresponding EORI number of the authorisation holder must be declared in D.E. 3/39 against the appropriate authorisation type code.

The specific document code references detailed below must be declared (as applicable).

Customs Warehouse authorisation details:

Enter the appropriate document code from the table below to indicate the type of customs warehouse authorisation held:

Document code Document identifier: country code Document identifier: authorisation type code Document identifier: authorisation number
C517 e.g. GB CWP (Private Customs Warehouse) The customs warehouse authorisation number.
C518 e.g. GB CW1 (public customs warehouse type 1) The customs warehouse authorisation number.
C519 e.g. FR CW2* (public customs warehouse type 2) The customs warehouse authorisation number.

*Please note: CW2 must not be used with GB.


The Document codes provided against the Procedure Code in Appendix 1 completion notes are not an exhaustive list. These are the mandatory or most common Document codes that apply to the given procedure. Appendix 5 should still be reviewed to identify if any other Document Codes apply. See section CDSSG12050 for more guidance.