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CDSSG04991 - Navigating the Tariff, Step 10 - Finding Code Lists for CDS declarations

The Landing Page for the UK Trade Tariff, CDS Volume 3 includes a separate section listing the Code List Combined Appendices for CDS.

The Combined Appendices section provides a list of all CDS Code List Appendices. These are the only Code Lists that may be used on CDS. See section CDSSG13070 for details of the Code Lists that may be used for different data elements. They apply, as appropriate, to the data element irrespective to type of movement being made:

Users should ensure that they use the CDS Code Lists and verify any Codes and their completion rules within the relevant Appendix before declaring the Code and its associated information to CDS.

  • Step 10: Complete the declaration with continued reference to the appropriate Appendices (please see the Appendices Index list for details) for the specific data element to identify any specific codes to be used, such as preference indicators, delivery terms and country codes.

Users must not rely on CHIEF knowledge, or use codes contained within the CHIEF Tariff on CDS. Codes may not exist on the CDS system or their completion rules may have changed. For example:

Declaring a Customs Comprehensive Guarantee on CHIEF requires:

  • GRNTR to be declared in Box 44 as an Additional Information Statement,
  • Document Code 9AID to be declared in Box 44 as a Document Code

To declare a Customs Comprehensive Guarantee on CDS requires:

  • In DE 2/3 (Document Codes): Document Code C505 followed by the authorisation number
  • In DE 3/39 (Authorisation Types): Authorisation Type CGU followed by the EORI of the holder of the guarantee
  • In DE 8/2 (Guarantee Type): Code 0 or 1 depending on whether a guarantee or waiver is held
  • and in DE 8/3 (Guarantee References): The reference details of the actual guarantee or waiver