Customs Civil Penalties Guidance: main contents
Technical Guidance
CCPG11000Customs law and HMRC compliance strategy: contents
CCPG11100Persons who must comply with Customs law: contents
CCPG11200Establishing a contravention of Customs law
CCPG11300Discretion to take penalty action
CCPG11500Right to be heard
CCPG11600Time limits for issuing a warning letter or penalty notice
CCPG11700Reasonable excuse: contents
CCPG11800Mitigation: contents
CCPG11900Reviews and appeals against warning letter and penalty decisions
CCPG12000Further contraventions after the issue of a warning letter or penalty notice
Operational Guidance
CCPG20000Operational overview
CCPG21000HMRC roles: contents
CCPG22000Classifying the category of contravention: contents
CCPG23000Options for addressing a contravention: contents
CCPG24000No action necessary
CCPG25000Providing education: contents
CCPG26000Warning letter: contents
CCPG27000Penalty notice: contents
CCPG28000Amending or revoking an authorisation: contents
CCPG29000Reviews and appeals: contents