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SPE17020 - General relief conditions: Import prohibitions, restrictions, licensing, quotas and preference requirements



Temporary Admission does not remove the need to comply with any import or export prohibitions or restrictions. If goods are prohibited they cannot be entered to TA, if goods are restricted, the normal requirements of Community and UK restrictions will still apply. You should refer to the guidance Import prohibitions and restrictions, further information is also available in the Tariff Volume 1 Part 3 Section 1.

Generally except for animals, firearms, ammunition or nuclear materials, no licence or quota will apply if goods are entered to TA. This applies as TA goods are not in free circulation so any restriction normally applicable will not need to be considered unless the goods are subsequently declared to free circulation.

Notice 3001*  *explain how goods are treated if they are subject to import licensing, if tariff quotas are in place or where preference may be available.