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DMBM115420 - Create charges by IT system: Create charges in CTF: Create charges for overpaid CTF contributions

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Where it is discovered that contributions should not have been paid the actions to betaken will depend upon whether the funds are with

  • The CTF Provider
  • The funds have been paid direct to a child or personal representative

All charges will be issued in the original amount of the contributions made. Howeverthe sum to be repaid will be the value of all government contributions plus income/gainsarising on those contributions.

The CTF Provider

Issue the letter explaining how the overpayment has occurred (form CTF51) to the CTFProvider with a DN1(X) NUC.

Complete form CTF53 in triplicate and

  • Send a copy to NUC
  • Retain the file copy with the papers
  • Retain the control copy for the Annual Balance.
  • Enter CTF53 details in to the Record of Overpayments Workbook
  • Draft a letter to the customer.

Change the payment status of the endowment on the CTF system to “Recouped”.

Funds have been paid direct to a child or personal representative

Issue the letter explaining how the overpayment has occurred (form CTF52) to the childor personal representative with a DN1(X) NUC.

Complete form CTF53 in triplicate and

  • Send a copy to NUC
  • Retain the file copy with the papers
  • Retain the control copy for the Annual Balance.
  • Enter CTF53 details in to the Record of Overpayments Workbook

Change the payment status of the endowment on the CTF system to “Recouped”.