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DMBM210185 - Payment Allocation, Overpayments and Repayments: Self Assessment: Objections and Corrections to Interest and RPS: Procedures

The majority of this manual will be archived on 1 July 2024. If there is content within this manual you use regularly, email to let us know.

The procedures explained here may not fit every situation you encounter on an SA customer's record. If the case you come across has some unusual features or there are complications, refer to your line manager who can contact the SA Business Help Desk for more information.

To deal with objections and corrections to interest and RPS calculated for common periods follow the steps below.

Preliminary action

  1. If there is any risk that all the actions to correct the customer record may not be completed before the next statement is issued consider either
  • inhibiting statement issue, or
  • advising the customer that you will be amending the payment record
  1. Use function VIEW STATEMENT to
  • confirm that interest and RPS calculations have been made for a common period,
  • identify the credit amount or amounts that were re-allocated and triggered the interest and RPS calculations
  • establish all the credits that need to be reallocated or transferred to DMB Banking.
Note: If you are in any doubt about the correct course of action refer to your line manager who can contact the SA Business Help Desk for more information

Correct inappropriate amounts of interest and RPS

  1. Use function CLERICAL REALLOCATION to reallocate or refresh credits on the customer’s SA record. This will remove any erroneous interest charges. Please bear in mind that any amount credited to the inappropriate interest charge will be re-allocated to any other outstanding charge or any charge becoming due within 45 days
  2. Use function TRANSFER FROM TAXPAYER CREDIT to transfer any amounts allocated to the interest charge you want to discharge, to OAS
  3. Use function MAINTAIN SA NOTES to enter an Action Note recording the interest / RPS correction, in SA Notes

Notify DMB Banking OAS section

  1. Use form SA331 to provide DMB Banking with full disposal instructions for all amounts transferred to OAS as explained in DMBM210205 and DMBM210210.
  2. Use function VIEW STATEMENT to check the results of your reallocation using function CLERICAL REALLOCATION

Notify customer

  1. If the customer has received a statement showing inappropriate amounts of interest and RPS or incomplete information, provide them with an explanation and apologise for any confusion. You may also wish to send them a screen print of ‘today’s’ or the current statement.