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DMBM511930 - Customer contact and data security: contact with third parties: agents and accountants: dealing with agents whilst on a call

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Most outdoor visits from DM will result in you speaking to the customer directly.

However, if an agent is present during an outdoor visit or FF call

  • confirm with the customer that you can continue discussions in the presence of a third party
  • accept this as verbal consent (the verbal authority will only last the duration of the visit)
  • advise that if the customer wishes the agent to continue discussions separately at a future date then they will have to complete a 64-8 (if he has not already done so) see DMBM511910).

If the FFA or staff member is not satisfied that the correct authorisation is in place they must not disclose confidential information to the third party or whilst the third party is present.

Any written requests for authority should also be sent to CAAT after the call.