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DMBM512225 - Customer contact and data security: contact with third parties: getting authority: customer not present - advising third party on correct procedure

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If you receive a call from a third party for who we do not hold consent, then you must advise that

  • for confidentiality reasons we are unable to deal with the customers tax affairs with a third party
  • they should ask the customer to call in on their own behalf
  • provided the customer phones in first and completes our required verification checks then we will be able to accept verbal consent from the customer to speak to a third party of their choice.

This verbal authority can be when both the customer and the third party are present together or up to 4 months in advance.

If the customer does call back to give verbal authority, see:

  • DMBM512205 - Third party and customer present at the same time
  • DMBM512220 - Advanced verbal consent.