DMBM519025 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE RTI: RTI overview and legislation: RTI joining dates by scheme type

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Employer scheme type PAYE manual guidance Joined RTI Comments/exceptions
 DCNI PAYE20090 2014-15 Can elect to submit quarterly paper returns
 DPGEN PAYE20095 2014-15 Can elect to submit quarterly paper returns
 DPNI PAYE20100 2014-15 Can elect to submit quarterly paper returns
 DOME PAYE73001 2013-14 (after being converted to P schemes except Segmentation Band 5s. These continued to complete forms P12 and P37 on paper). Remaining DOME Schemes changed to Type P in 2014-15. Care and support employers operating DOME schemes, who elected not to file online, were converted to P schemes and commenced filing quarterly paper RTI submissions in 2014-15.
 ELECT PAYE20105 2014-15  
 EPA PAYE20110 2013-14  
 EXAM PAYE20115 2014-15  
 NI PAYE20120 2013-14  
 NORPRO PAYE20125 Will remain outside RTI  
 OCPN PAYE20130 2012-13 & 2013-14 A limited number of pilot  schemes joined RTI in 2012-13
 P PAYE20135 2012-13 & 2013-14 A limited number of pilot  schemes joined RTI in 2012-13
 PSC PAYE20140 2012-13 & 2013-14 A limited number of pilot  schemes joined RTI in 2012-13
 PSS PAYE20145 2013-14  
 SICK PAYE20150 Scheme type obsolete from 6 April 2013  
 TAS PAYE20155 Will remain outside RTI  
 TRONC PAYE20160 2013-14  
 XP PAYE20165 Will remain outside RTI  

All new schemes (with the exception of NORPRO, TAS & XP) will join RTI when the scheme is created on EBS.